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Route 26, Oxford, ME  Phone: (207) 539-8865 
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Rules Contacts:
Jason Ricker - 704-881-4429
OPS 2023 GoPro Rule Additions
NO chemically treated tires allowed in any division.
Automatic DQ & fine will follow. 
Super Late Models
ABC NextGen Body Dimensions
ABC Traditional Roof
Body Dimensions
Transponder Placement Sheet
Limited Sportsman
Street Stocks
Mad Bombers
Thunder Stocks
Runnin' Rebels
10/3/23: No full-sized vehicles or
all-wheel drive vehicles are allowed.

No Durometers in Tire Impound!
Tire Buying Procedures for SLM
Each team will have one representative per car pick their tires each week. That person can only pick tires for one car at that event. Tire selection will be a random draw based off their heat lineup in reverse order. Clarification if you draw chip 1 you will pick last last for tires but start first in the heat. If you draw chip 50 you will be first in the tire barn to select tires but last in the heat.

All tires selected will be assigned to the car you pick for and CAN NOT be swapped with another car at the event. If you want practice tires they will be picked after ALL race tires are picked.

No Durometers in Tire Impound!!!

All races heat and feature must run registered tires at all times. You must run over 50% of the feature in a competitive nature or you will be forced to put more laps on your tires the following week. All registered tires must stay at the track.

Opening night you are allowed 4 new tires for competition, every race thereafter it will be two new tires unless otherwise noted. New tires MUST be run in the heat and the feature.

At the end of night three you are only allowed to turn in six registered tires to impound, those are your spares and races tires. If you have to replace one of the new tires because of damage you will run a min of 40 laps and 2 heat cycles before it can be raced.

If you are a new car racing with us after week one you will be allowed 4 new tires but will need to put a min of 40 laps and 2 heat cycles on 2 tires before you are allowed to race and will start at the rear of the feature per the handicaps system in place.

All races heat and feature must always run registered tires. You must run over 50% of the feature in a competitive nature or you will be forced to put more laps on your tires the following week.

Opening night you will buy 4 new tires for competition every race thereafter it will be one new tire per week unless otherwise noted. New tire must be run in the heat and feature. After week three you will have 6 tires in your inventory at that point you will cycle new tires and older tires out of inventory. Maintaining only 6 tires in your inventory however you choose.

If a new car shows up after opening night they will have to buy 4 new tires and put 50 laps and 3 heat cycles on 3 of the tires in practice.

Any Division Running Hoosier 790s
You must run OPS stamped registered tires in the heat and feature.

The first race meet you will be allowed 4 new tires for competition every race after you will be permitted to buy 1 new tire per event and use however you choose either it be that night or in the future. If you skip a night you will not be able to buy 2 tires the following race meet. If your car is not at the race track you can't buy a tire. You must have a car and attempt to qualify for an event if you buy a tire or you won't be allowed to purchase a tire till you do run a race. All tires can be durometer tested at anytime and must be 57 or above using the official OPS durometer.
Update on "Bottle Cap Crate"
2024 SLM Engine Option
Dec, 27 - Naples, ME - Officials at the Pro All Stars Series (PASS) provided an update today on the new "Bottle Cap Crate" engine option that will be available for all PASS competitors for the 2024 season. The "Bottle Cap Crate" option was rolled out to competitors in early November and sales have been brisk.

PASS President Tom Mayberry commented about the new engine package option, "We are really. really happy with the initial round of orders for these motors. We have already had 15 or 16 teams order an engine, and we are getting calls and emails almost every day for more."

Each engine purchased through the PASS sealed engine program comes straight from GM to the PASS approved engine builder, LCM Racing Engines, for a dyno break-in and test. LCM sets the timing, performs a 4-hour break-in procedure, and then seals each motor with TWO PASS-specific seals registered with the sanctioning body. Teams simply provide their own fuel pump and distributor and then can pick up a race ready engine to drop into their cars and go.

"We felt like it was important to provide a good break-in procedure to verify that each engine is performing at its optimum level when it leaves the LCM Engine Shop," Said Mayberry. "LCM has agreed to do this at a discounted rate so we can keep the total cost to teams under $10k."

Teams running the "Bottle Cap Crate"  option will be afforded a 25 lb. weight break at every track on the PASS schedule, with additional breaks at Thompson and New Hampshire Motor Speedway TBD.
Mayberry went on to say there will be another order placed with GM within the next month or so to accommodate the ever growing interest for both the PASS tour and weekly competition at Oxford Plains Speedway.

The 602 "Bottle Cap"  crate motor option for PASS MODS was also rolled out less than a month ago and interest has been high there as well. "We had one driver order one right away, and we have had several more calls from drivers in need of a fresh motor who want to order very soon," said Mayberry. "PASS MODS race a little less than the SLM's so an engine may last a team a little longer. But as they wear out, it's a great way for them to get a sealed motor and get a weight break. It's the same engine they are already running, just with a seal so we know it has not been tampered with."

To place your order, please contact the Offices of PASS at (207) 693-6497 or passracing@roadrunner.com before February 1st, or contact Tom and Mike Mayberry to get your name on this list, For technical questions please call Louie Mechalides at 978-265-2630

For technical information concerning all PASS divisions please contact passracing@roadrunner.com.

Don't forget to "Like" the Pro All Stars Series and the PASS MODS touring series on Facebook.

To take advantage of marketing opportunities at the Pro All Stars Series or Oxford Plains Speedway please call 207-577-1836 or inquire at 



1-1 The rules, regulations and specifications set forth in the Oxford Plains Speedway ("Speedway") rule book have been compiled around careful consideration of guidelines that will best insure safe, competitive and affordable race events. At any time, should it become necessary in the interest of fair competition, economy, race promotion, or in the interest of the race show itself, the Speedway reserves the right to modify, add or delete any rule, regulation or specification.


1-2 The rules and/or regulations and specifications set forth herein are designed to provide for the orderly conduct of racing events and to establish minimum acceptable requirements for such events. These rules will govern all Oxford Plains Speedway events, and by participating in these events all competitors and their associates are required to comply with these rules. No express or implied warranty of safety shall result from publication of, or compliance with, these rules, regulations and specifications. The rules within this book are intended as a guide for the conduct of the sport and are in no way any guarantee against injury or death to participants.


1-3 Since it would be both impractical and nearly impossible to list within the confines of any rule book, all the modifications, adaptations and infractions that could and would be illegal, it should be understood for the purpose of rule enforcement that only those items that are specified in this book are allowable and permissible. In addition, Speedway management holds the right to fine, suspend, eject, and/or withhold purse and points from anyone who violates these rules.


1-4 Every driver must inspect the racing surface and race track area to learn of any defects, obstructions, or any thing which, in his opinion is unsafe and he/she shall report the condition to the management of the Speedway. Any driver entering any racing event is considered to have inspected the track and to have determined that all conditions are satisfactory to him. If he/she finds the conditions unsatisfactory, HE/SHE SHOULD NOT RACE. This further indicates that he is aware that auto racing involves risks and he assumes these risks with full awareness and knowledge. The Speedway assumes no responsibility for damage to or loss of your equipment, vehicle or any parts by any means whatsoever.


1-5 Anyone under the age of 18 must have a parental consent form filled out before entering the Pit area. All Minors under the age of 14 must be under direct adult supervision at all times (No Exceptions).

The minimum age to race at the Speedway is 14. OPS must approve all drivers under age 16 prior to competing and prior racing experience is required.


1-6 It is the goal of the staff and management of the Speedway to provide motorsports competition in as reasonably safe a facility and conditions as possible. If in the opinion and judgment of the management of the Speedway, any individual or individuals presents a harm or danger to anyone, the management maintains the right, at any time, to suspend, restrict, fine, or ban, any individual, including any driver, owner, team or team member, or any person, in the interest and in consideration of providing safe racing conditions for the majority of competitors, spectators, and staff.


1-7 If you are involved in an accident involving an injury to yourself, advise the racing officials immediately so that the necessary insurance reporting will be accomplished. No claims will be considered unless reported prior to leaving the Speedway property that day. Contact the rescue vehicle driver and give him a full report before you leave the Speedway.

General Rules | Flag Rules | Tire Policy | Numbers | Point System | Top


1-8 The Speedway reserves the right to reject any entry for failure to comply with these Rules and Regulations and the individual violating the Rules or Regulations and/or specifications shall be penalized as set forth in these Rules at the discretion of the Speedway.

1-9 Each driver must be approved for competition within any division by the management. Decisions are based upon a driver’s previous experience as well as his past and projected performance and ability. All decisions are based solely on the opinion of the Speedway management, without the right to a further appeal. All decisions are made in the best interest of fairness of competition, safety to the individual driver and all other drivers, pairing of drivers with similar experience and talent, and in the overall best interest of the positive enhancement of a division.

Drivers may be denied competition within a division at any time prior to a season’s start, or at any any other time, if, in the opinion of the management, the driver presents a potentially dangerous situation to other drivers and/or himself, and based upon the guidelines set forth above.

Any driver that has not competed in the previous season, or that questions his own evaluation, is advised to contact the Speedway office to be approved for competition before he begins to construct, purchase, or invest in a particular race car.

1-10 The Speedway has designed these guidelines and regulations with specific intents in mind. Any interpretation of the guidelines and regulations inside this book are solely the decision of Speedway management and not the interpretation of competing teams and drivers.

1-11 After any suspension, fine, ejection, rejection, penalty or restriction from participation has been issued to a driver, owner, team member, or any person, the management of the Speedway reserves the right to review the individual’s circumstances on a case by case basis and after having done so, to make a decision at that time as to whether in the opinion of Speedway management the individual has the capabilities to resume participation in racing activities at the Speedway in accordance with the rules, specifications, guidelines and general safety objectives. Any fine assessed to any person must be paid before such person will be allowed to resume participation in racing activities at the Speedway. By participating in an racing event at the Speedway, a driver will be deemed to consent to the Speedway deducting any fine due out of prize money otherwise due to such driver.

1-12 All drivers must complete and sign the Driver Application and Agreement in order to compete in any event at the Speedway. Car numbers will be issued each year by the Speedway office. In order to keep the car number that you used in the previous year you must request a car number and fill out a Driver Application and Agreement form.

1-13 The management may at any time require a physical examination of a driver or a doctor’s release before such driver is allowed to compete. The judgement of the Speedway, the EMT and/or the police is final and without recourse as to fitness.

1-14 Any person in the Pit area who is in possession of or under the influence of alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs may be barred from the Pit area and from participating in racing activities for an indefinite period of time and is subject to a fine up to $1,000.

1-15 Any person that gets into a fight at the track will be immediately suspended for the remainder of the night’s events and will be subject to removal from Speedway property. Any person deliberately going into another competitor’s designated area of the Pit in a violent or threatening manner shall also be suspended. A fight shall be defined as making physical contact. Any person involved in a fight shall be subject to a suspension from participation in Speedway activities for a term of up to one year and subject to a fine of up to $1,000. The minimum fine for a first offense under this provision of the rules is $50. The Speedway will weigh the circumstances of the infraction and decide on the degree of the penalty before the next regularly scheduled race meet. Any person causing a disturbance, whether verbal or physical, that disrupts the orderly conduct of racing events may be removed from the pit by the Speedway for a period of time to be determined in the Speedway’s sole discretion.

1-16 Any person that uses threatening, vulgar or abusive language and/or gestures at the Speedway is subject to a fine of not more than $300 and/or a suspension of up to two race meets.

1-17 Any fines accumulated during a race season and not paid will be carried over to the following year and must be paid before entering the Pit Area for the first time.

1-18 A "race meet" or "race event" shall for the purpose of rule enforcement be considered the period between the opening and closing of the pit gate.

1-19 When entering the Pit Area, each person must appear at the ticket window and sign the appropriate waiver and release. Further, any person that attempts to use another individual’s Pit bracelet or other similar credential in order to obtain entrance to the pit area is subject to arrest and prosecution and will be suspended from attending up to the next three race meets and fined up to $1,000.

1-20 Upon entering the Pit Area, you will receive a pit wristband which must be visible at all times.

1-21 Car owners are responsible for the conduct of the drivers, pit crew members, and their guests at the Speedway and at all Speedway events. Any action that in the opinion of Speedway management does not promote the image of the Speedway may result in the suspension of an entire race team for up to one year.

1-22 The Driver and Car Owner shall be the only spokesmen for the team in any matters pertaining to a race event. Crew members, sponsors, spouses and other associates of the Driver and Car Owner may not represent the team in any concerns.

1-23 The Speedway may order single-file restarts if sufficient progress to a conclusion of any race is not being made.

1-24 The Speedway reserves the right to conclude any feature race after 30 minutes if sufficient progress is not being made toward the conclusion of the race.

1-25 If a feature event is shortened, it will be considered official if fifty percent (50%) or more of the scheduled laps have been completed, unless otherwise determined by Speedway officials.

1-26 No unnecessary items such as scarves, banners, etc. shall be attached to the outside of any car or be allowed to hang outside any car. Cars will not be allowed to display obscene materials.

1-27 At the discretion of the Speedway, drivers and/or cars may be placed in a heat or feature line-up based on their history of finishes, point finishes, and their general ability. This decision will be made based on the opinion and judgment of the management in the best interest of fair competition.

1-28 The Pit Area is for race cars and their haulers only and personal vehicles will not be allowed in the Pit Area at any time.

1-29 Any incident or circumstance not covered by the Rules and Regulations may be decided upon by the management and made a rule for the remainder of the season.

1-30 Car owners are responsible for the disposal of their own tires. There will be a $50 per tire fine for any tire left in the Pit area. Repeat offenders will be subject to an increased fine and/or suspension.

1-31 Race teams are responsible for the proper disposal of oil, anti-freeze and other lubricants and fluids at the Speedway. We have provided for containers for the disposal of these materials. Any individual improperly disposing of such materials on Speedway property is subject to a $500 fine, and such other penalties as may be determined by the Speedway.

1-32 If a race event is rained out after the completion of all heat events, no rain check will apply for that event. If a race event is rained out before the completion of the heat events, the Pit bracelet credential will be valid for admission to the rescheduled event only. No cash refunds will be given for any reason.

1-33 Rough riding driving penalties will be assessed against a competitor in the sole discretion of the Speedway. Decisions will be based on the Race Director’s observation of the incident with further assistance from Speedway officials who have also observed the incident in question. The penalties for rough riding will be based on the severity of the incident and may include a stop-and-go penalty, suspension from the race, a fine, suspension from further race events and any other penalty as determined by the Speedway.

1-34 Any car spinning by itself three (3) times in one race is subject to disqualification from that race. Any car that is significantly off of the pace being set by the other cars in the race or that is being driven in an erratic fashion is similarly subject to disqualification.

1-35 At any inspection of a car in the technical inspection area, only the driver and two crew members will be allowed to be present unless other wise directed by the Technical Director. Any other crew members or other persons must remain in their pit stall in the general pit area. Any person causing a disturbance in the tech area is subject to immediate removal from the pit area, a fine and/or suspension from further race events at the Speedway.

1-36 Absolutely no recreational vehicles, ATVs, motorcycles, motor scooters, golf carts or bicycles will be allowed in the Pit Area at any time.

1-37 A driver that refuses technical inspection of his/her car is subject to discipline that may include suspension of the car and driver for up to one year from the date of infraction.

General Rules | Flag Rules | Tire Policy | Numbers | Point System | Top


1-37 The Race Director, Flagman and other appropriate Speedway personnel shall be responsible for the enforcement of the Flag Rules. If any driver disobeys any flag his punishment may include FORFEITURE OF HIS PURSE FOR THE RACE EVENT.


The green flag shall start all races and means that the track is clear. On the original start or on a restart, no passing will be allowed before cars pass the flagstand. Any car that sets out of line or jumps the flag by passing cars before reaching the flagstand when the green flag is thrown shall be penalized. Such penalty may include a stop-and-go penalty, a lap penalty, a position (or positions) penalty, or any other penalty as deemed appropriate by the Speedway.


The black flag means that the driver must report to the pit area for further direction from Speedway officials. This flag when given to a driver must be obeyed immediately. The black flag will be utilized for disqualifications or infraction of rules and also for mechanical trouble that could make the car dangerous to its driver or to others. Failure to obey the black flag may be punished by disqualification from the race or such other penalty as the Speedway deems appropriate.


The yellow flag means caution, the track is not clear. When the caution flag is displayed, drivers will have to slow down, fall into a single line, bumper to bumper, with no passing. Any race that is in the process of the white flag lap will continue to the checkered flag, but the yellow flag may be displayed during that lap as a safety measure to warn competitors of a situation.


The red flag means danger and stop at once. When the red flag is displayed, all cars must stop immediately, regardless of their position on the track and must not move until directed by Speedway personnel.


The blue flag with the yellow stripe is the passing flag. The flag may be given only to cars that are in danger of being lapped. Said cars should be aware that they are in danger of being lapped and should move to the inside of the track until the lapping car or cars have passed.


The white flag means that there is one lap remaining in the event.


When the checkered flag is given to the first car, the race is officially over and all cars will slow upon completion of that lap.

General Rules | Flag Rules | Tire Policy | Numbers | Point System | Top


1-38 The purpose of the Oxford Plains Speedway Tire Policy is to promote fair and affordable competition for the racers in all of our racing divisions. To that end, the Speedway specifies the type of tires that may be used in each division and monitors tire usage in a variety of ways to prevent use of tires that are not up to the Speedway's specifications. The Speedway further strictly prohibits the use or possession of TIRE CONDITIONER OR TIRE SOFTENER in all of our racing divisions and on Speedway property.

Each competitor at the Speedway agrees to run the tires specified by the rules and warrants that such tires have not been tampered with in any fashion. Each cometitor further agrees that he will run tires that are the same hardness as the other competitors in their division and specifically agrees that he will be disqualified and further penalized if such tires are, in the sole opinion of Speedway Management, substantially softer than others in the division. The competitor agrees to allow Speedway personnel to examine their tires, haulers and vehicles at any time when on Speedway property.

Any tires that are found to be different than the tires utilized by the other competitors in the division will be confiscated. Penalties for possession of such tires may include disqualification from Speedway events and fines.


1-39 Traction Control Devices

So called Traction Control Devices of any design of any kind are not permitted in any division in any event at Oxford Plains Speedway.

1-40 Starting positions for all championship series point races will be determined by a formula which utilizes driver performance during a given period of time. The event handicapper shall calculate the formula and assign starting positions. A detailed copy of the system formula is available from the event handicapper upon request. A driver may ask to have his starting position recalculated for clarification.

Starting fields are limited to a maximum of 36 cars unless posted otherwise prior to the start of qualifying, or otherwise determined by the Speedway.

1-41 Drivers who have not previously competed during the most recent season in 2 (two) consecutive point meets for that division or does not register to race Opening Day will start at the rear of all qualifying and feature events for 2 (two) consecutive race meets.

1-42 Any driver who intentionally causes the yellow flag to be used is subject to a 1 (one) lap penalty or a $200 fine or both.

1-43 Any driver may have his assigned starting position reviewed at any time throughout the season and his starting position will be assigned by the race director when deemed to be for the good of the sport.

1-44 Any car that makes a pit stop will restart the race at the rear of the field during any red flag or yellow flag period. A car will start in a safe blended position during a green flag pit stop.

1-45 In order for a driver to receive points in a qualifying or feature event, that driver must take the green flag in that qualifying or feature event. A driver change cannot be made prior to the first completed green flag lap. If a driver change is made after 1 (one) lap, the driver who completed lap 1 (one) will receive the points for the earned position in the final official order of finish.

1-46 Oxford Plains Speedway reserves the right to schedule double point races and/or twin features on any given race meet.

1-47 Radios

Pro Late Model, Street Stock and Mini Stock drivers may use two-way radios. All frequencies must be registered with the Technical Director. No other division may use a radio of any kind.


General Rules | Flag Rules | Tire Policy | Numbers | Point System | Top


All numbers will be assigned by Oxford Plains Speedway for each year. Previously used numbers will be held for prior users providing the car attempts to qualify for a minimum of 6 (six) events in the previous season. To reserve a number please send an email.

Number reservations will only be good until February 15th of the upcoming race season year, at which time if there has not been a License Application completed, the number will be available on a first come-first serve basis, regardless of the number of events attempted in the prior year.

Numbers must be at least 18 inches high and 3 inches wide and neatly presented. Numbers must be in clear contrast to the car body color. No reflective material numbers permitted.

Numbers will be on both door and on the roof so as to be read from the right, (passenger), side of the car. A 6 (six) inch high number shall be lettered on the left side headlight door and the left side tail light cover.

Numbers may need to be re-done if scoring determines that a number is out of contrast with the car color.

No three-digit numbers or number-letter cominations will be issued until all two-digit numbers in a division have been assigned.

12-2 Lettering

All sponsor and descriptive lettering must be neat appearing. No profane lettering of any car will be permitted. Oxford Plains Speedway reserves the right to block out any lettering that is deemed not to be in the best interest of the image of auto racing and/or Oxford Plains Speedway.

12-3 Contingency Award Decals

The front fender area should be left available for the display of Manufacturer’s contingency award decals. Oxford Plains Speedway reserves the right to approve any displayed manufacturer’s decal which may or may not be limited to participating manufacturer’s. All individual choice decals must be located to the rear side of the door numbers.

General Rules | Flag Rules | Tire Policy | Numbers | Point System | Top

HEATS:  5, 4, 3, 2, 1
FEATURES: 120, 118, 116, 114, 112, 110


No points are awarded for consolation races.


Double point events will award double points for heat and feature races.


In the event of a tie IN THE TOP TEN in the final point standings, the tie breaker system will be determined by the number of feature even wins. If a tie is still in place, it will revert to the most number of second-place finishes and so on until the tie is broken.

Any award based on feature event wins that results in a tie will be determined by the same format.



Trophies and a series point fund will be presented to the top ten drivers in each division.
In order to receive end of season trophy and money, the driver must be present at end of season banquet.


Trophies will be presented to the top ten drivers in each division.

General Rules | Flag Rules | Tire Policy | Numbers | Point System | Top